Guggul: A Natural Cure for Cholesterol
Guggul is a small shrub or tree which is approximately 6 m tall with very thick bark and thorny branches. A guggul tree is known for its gummy resin which is tapped or harvested from its bark. Guggul tree is tapped from November to January so that the gum or resin can be collected from May to Jun.
The name Guggul means “the one who can protect from diseases”, this resin has a unique essence and when it is sprinkled on hot coal, gives off dense smoke with an enticing fragrance.
Guggul is an active component of the Guggulu plant which has been used for centuries to treat various diseases. The extracts found in this herb provide relief from pain, swelling caused due to arthritis or gouty conditions among others while also acting as appetite stimulators when taken orally. It contains phytochemicals like steroids, gum, flavonoids, essential oil, myrrhanol, guggulsterone, and guggulipids.
Guggul has been used for centuries in ayurvedic medicine to treat various health conditions, such as obesity, and arthritis. It’s also known as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Health Benefit of Using Guggul as a Supplement
Promote Healthy Skin
Guggul tablet is a natural supplement that has been used for centuries in India. It can help improve your skin by fighting off acne, inflammation, and other signs of aging like wrinkles or uneven tone on the face. It’s filled with vitamins, minerals and anti-inflammatory properties that will make you look younger than ever before.
Support Joints
When it comes to ailments of the joints, the toxic residue is often at fault. Guggul’s scraping and detoxifying qualities help clear away these toxins from your body’s tissues with its simultaneous ability to both lubricate as well rejuvenate them in order to promote strength for proper movement within delicate spaces like our knees or elbows.
Effective Weight Management
Guggul capsules are an excellent way to balance your Ayurvedic constitution. It balances out excess kapha with its pungent, bitter and astringent tastes that help remove toxins from the body as well as support healthy thyroid function by stimulating ‘scraping’ fat cells while improving metabolism within adipose tissue all at once. Guggul weight loss simultaneously kindles the digestive fire and promotes proper elimination. It is an appetizer, a liver stimulant, and it assists with the digestion of oils and fats, thereby supporting weight management in a number of ways.
Maintain Healthy Cholesterols
Guggul has an ability to support balanced cholesterol levels. In Ayurveda, different parts of plants are seen to work on different tissues in the body. Guggul is made from the sap of the mukul myrrh tree and has a strong connection with the blood. It is therefore not surprising that guggul is praised for its ability to improve blood flow and enhance the quality of the blood. Guggul for cholesterol works very effectively to purify blood, promoting healthy cholesterol levels and scraping toxins from the circulatory system.
We all need a little help sometimes, and these Nutriherbs Guggul Extract Capsule is perfect for giving you what your body needs. Not just weight loss but also complete well-being with no negative side effects! Get them today so that feeling better can start sooner than ever before.